Northern Michigan Meher Baba Discussions

A discussion of Meher Baba issues, basically for the interested seeker. Not intended as an apologia or a format for debate.


On Baba-adapted psychologies

Baba lays out a great many psychological foundations in the Discourses, but they are not written to create a "new psychology" and do not reflect the results-oriented goals of typical counseling practice. It has been said that Baba was the master psychologist, but for obvious reasons He would never contain himself to the humble goal of helping a client adapt to the world around them. Perhaps the 'self-actualizing' schools might better approximate Baba's emphasis on self-realization, but even then one has to stretch.

The problem with this blog is that no one reads it, with the obvious corollary that nothing I write here receives feedback, but it does have the advantage of being mine. Thus I can speculate freely without offending too many sensibilities. Thus what I would propose is to discuss a few ideas of traditional psychology with reference to my admittedly incomplete grasp of Baba's written record.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i truthfully adore your own writing kind, very unique,
don't quit and also keep penning for the simple reason that it just truly worth to look through it.
impatient to view a whole lot more of your articles, enjoy your day!

12:03 AM  
Blogger David said...

Thanks, anon, your comments were very kind. Maybe I will get inspired to keep going. It has been such a silent spot. Oh well, things that are real are given and received in silence.

6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing I wish I could go somwhere.

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do keep writing your blog. At the very least, it gives web "surfers" another chance to "stumble" upon Meher Baba!

As to psychology (and self-help techniques?) I continue to be blown away by the fact/idea that everything MB did in his lifetime (and continues to do for humanity) blossoms into some fantastic tool for folks to unearth WHO THEY REALLY ARE!

We have Meher Baba's Discourses
and messages, but then perhaps, for those lovers who "don't even know my name" I feel that Meher Baba has provided a variety of "new" ways to find him (find the true Self).
I'm also fired up by the thought that in his work as the Avatar, for each individual looking to "get at their shit" and do some important internal work, He has brought the "spiritual push" that could possibly make the path easier for that individual.

Off hand, I'm thinking of:

12 Step Program, A Course in Miracles, The Power of Now, the work of Robert Scheinfeld, The Sedona Method (for Releasing 'so-called' Negative Energies)

but I think you catch my drift here.
This is also IM(not-so)HO because I'm a Baba-freak and give Him all the credit for these things!

I've got some other even far wider stretching thoughts on his work in everything from finance to Starbucks opening everywhere -
almost a toddy shop right? :)

Here's the punchline for all these techniques:


Thanks and Jai Baba !

9:51 AM  
Blogger David said...

Yes, Baba's comments are ever new, ever rich.

The 12 step program is not something I'm too familiar with. I feel lots of respect for the Power of Now, and Tolle's work revealing again Baba-as-Buddha's ancient mindfulness message. And again, I don't know anything about Scheinfeld or the Sedona work. I am mostly grounded in '60's and '70's psychology. Wide stretching thoughts are great. In fact my mind could use some hatha yoga. Ciao!

7:35 PM  

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