Back from india
I have now returned from my third trip to India, to Baba's samadhi. The first time was thirty seven years ago.
There are clearly signs, for what it's worth, that there is more interest and visitation there. And internally speaking, the power is still both beautiful and oddly scouring. At least, after I left I felt that way.
I'll try to post some pictures soon.
Also, I finished reading the newly released Infinite Intelligence. It is not an easy read, being generally recursive, written as if from a totally unwordly perspective, as if God looked down on the earth and, just for a moment, forgot to stroke our vanity and our sense of self-importance, but instead wrote from His own perspective. Which is just what the book purports to do, of course.
Anyway, welcome, to any who have found this site. I hope to try harder to keep it up to date, now that I see it's finally been discovered by Google.
There are clearly signs, for what it's worth, that there is more interest and visitation there. And internally speaking, the power is still both beautiful and oddly scouring. At least, after I left I felt that way.
I'll try to post some pictures soon.
Also, I finished reading the newly released Infinite Intelligence. It is not an easy read, being generally recursive, written as if from a totally unwordly perspective, as if God looked down on the earth and, just for a moment, forgot to stroke our vanity and our sense of self-importance, but instead wrote from His own perspective. Which is just what the book purports to do, of course.
Anyway, welcome, to any who have found this site. I hope to try harder to keep it up to date, now that I see it's finally been discovered by Google.